Thursday, February 20, 2014

Guess who soared into Jamaa!

It's a bird, it's a plane.. it's.... well... it IS a bird! Eagles have soared into Jamaa! If you're a member who's ready to fly, visit the diamond shop and purchase an EAGLE! Eagles are *flying animals* so they can visit many epic places that regular animals can't! I don't want to ruin the fun of exploring, but here are SOME of the many places eagles can go: Try flying to the ceiling in buildings, Fly above Mt. Shiveer, Sit in trees, and much much more! Sadly, eagles cannot do adventures.... YET!!! I was flying around as my eagle in Adventure Base Camp for while today, and I ended up flying over this river thing. In the center was a small island, and on it was a halfway built adventure portal! Since only EAGLES can get to this spot, I'm assuming it is going to be an eagle-only adventure. Maybe in this adventure, you can complete goals in the SKY! If I find out any more info on this NEW adventure, I'll blog it! For now, Jam on! Bye!

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