Friday, May 30, 2014

Camo Jacket and Phantom CC

The new item for today is the Camouflage Jacket...
Pretty cool... I wonder what you could use it for on AJ.

I'm the bunny at the bottom right one space over wearing gray in one and orange in the other.
I just think those deer look the same. Almost.
On the spin the huber is going to down. It's happening to a few jammers...

Have you seen jammers with phantom cotton candy? Many jammers have already figured it out,
but here's how you do it.
Chose a cone. Any cone.
Ya, so that's how if you didn't know.
 2fangwolf got rare horns!
 The epic sun hat is kind of scary.
 Empty Sol arcade.
Which reminds me... There were like a million jammers in the diamond shop yesterday, and now it's empty like it was the day before yesterday. Hyenas have cooled down...
 I logged in today and saw this.
Shine on! -q1zx:)
Summer carnival rox!


  1. Maybe that person that was saying that was talking about an anime called Hetalia? I don't know. XD

  2. they were talking about julian2's den XD i was there.. it was german and people were all like O,O WHAT IS GOING ONNN!!!!

  3. Just sayin' that you're really talented for posts XD
    You should be a journalist when you grow up q1zx O3O


  4. I don't really get the whole Germany thing


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