Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pogo stick and Plushies

I'm thinking how awesome would it be if you got the diamond on the daily spin.
I've gotten the 100 gems next to it. I've gotten 500 gems. But it's impossible! The only person whos's gotten it I've known of is
She says if you do more adventures, chances are up...
 Beta Map!
For the contest I was thinking of ideas... and then it worked. I'll draw it at school.
 See I'm in my den... with a non member item. Graham Doll!
 Guess how I did it? (Nothing like hacking or anything.)
Answer on tomorrow's post.
 Someone's still stocked with lucky items...
The new item is a pogo stick. Great pricing!
If you click it it jumps in the air...

 Here are the plushies, the original ones from like December...

That's it for today! Shine on! Enter the contest if you want!
Defeat scammer and hackers! Lol!
- q1zx :)


  1. Weird. I got it yesterday. x3 That's what I was originally gonna say, then I realized it sounded like I was bragging, so I said something random instead. XD I also got it a few months before... O.o

  2. I got 3 diamonds from the wheel. One, but it was my third consecutive day of play.

  3. Me too 030
    I think there's a day where everyone gets it. It was my second time getting 3 diamonds x3


    1. I've been playing for a year never got it :|

  4. I got the diamond on the wheel too it was times 3


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