Saturday, June 7, 2014

Carnival Plushies and more...

Sorry about the late post q1zx usually does the early posts. I think he doesn't post on Saturdays, oh well. Anyways I think Jamaa is losing some Jammers because when I logged on it looked like Jammers got bored playing Animal Jam and just left.

I was so bored all alone. That's when I found out Pink was online!!! (:  Then we started to hang out!
It was  so fun!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I found out  that there are tons of plushies in the summer carnival! (:
Here are some below.
That is a lot!!! Anyways I noticed that non members could only get the small plushies. Totally not fair, Animal Jam is supposed to be fun and its not really fun if you have to pay for member stuff.


  1. Actually, I think the amount that non-members get is fair. Members paid actual money, and you have to remember Animal Jam is a business! If they made everything nm, then they wouldn't sell as many memberships. That makes them lose money. But nm Jammers get WAY more than nm club penguin players! At least animal jam gives more than like, 3 items to nm.
    Btw, pink is one of my closest buddies ^-^ she's really nice im glad you guys talked.


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