Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Singing Bird

Good Morning Jammers! The new item for today is the...
Interesting. Looks identical to the other one, but it's on land.
I bet we're going to have another set like the underwater one!

I got some trades like this. If I hadn't known that this was the Rare for yesterday, I would've excepted it. But I did and I stocked up.

So ya.
 Jammers like wearing these now.
 Some jammer were angry because it made their rates less rare, and that's true. Oh well.
 Again, I clicked Jamaa Township too fast.
Anyway, about the title of the post. There was a singing bird in Jamaa today.
He was singing about four different lines from "Let it go." form Frozen and repeating them.

This guy can type fast! And he was doing it for almost half an hour until I logged off to post.
His username is tommy028
Some people were commenting...

So ya, good luck Tommy!
Shine on! -q1zx :)
What do you think of the singing bird?

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