Thursday, September 4, 2014

Some Sad Goodbyes.

Hey guys...

So I've lost my cat today. They got an infection of some sort and didn't make it.

And casandra189.

She quit.

This month hasn't been that bright for me, but I'll shine through it. Through the painful goodbyes.

I just need to get this off my mind.

Bye for now.


  1. ): D:

    Aww... She quit too?!

    Sorry to hear your cat didn't make it. I don't have a straightforward connection to losing a cat. (mine- one very old , one decently young) are still alive. Even though the old one has a heart problem. And is mean. o.e
    But I have a lot of cousins whose cats have died. ;-; (I've only lost: fish, hamsters, gerbils, -I think that's it). So I can kinda connect to losing a pet. .............

    I think your cat will be okay. As long as you remember him/her. <3 c':

    *sorry if this comment hasn't helped at all./makes no sense./idk.*

  2. *pats on back*
    I know.. i know. But just remember than quote on your header:
    "Life's too short to be anything but happy."
    Yeah, i know you can't be happy right now but try thinking optimistic...

    Yes, it might feel like there is nothing to look forward to or be optimistic about, but think hard. Things happen for other things to happen, including sad ones.

  3. awww I hope you cat lives peacfully in heaven and you can see her again one day when you did :(:) also I'm sad Cassandra quit to

  4. cassanandra quit?!?! :( I'm sorry you lost your cat... Here's a story. :3
    A long time ago, I had a cat called Mr. Kitty. (Don't ask how we came up with THAT name... X3)
    o,o He was kinda mean... I thought all cats were like that. Whenever I tried to eat a piece of turkey he would claw me til he got it :(

  5. Then I got a new cat recently and shes nice except when I really annoy her.


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