Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Jamaaliday Secrets - Post 8

Hey guys!
Tomorrow's the big day!!
To be honest, I don't know what to think of Christmas this year. It came so fast, and I'm sure it'll come again fast enough next year. What do you think?

Yes. I'm out of order today. A little jumbled up, sorry guys. The AJMV will come before the daily item, so just scroll down if you wanna see today's gift.

This feature goes to the 'Light of Christmas' AJMV!
Make sure to leave a friendly comment for the youtuber who made this video. I'm sure they'd love to hear your feedback!

Now for today's gift..

The Gingerbread Top Hat!

That's all Jammers, and don't forget.. be nice, not naughty! haha =)
Bye Sunbeams! Shine on!

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