Monday, January 19, 2015

!! Important AJSB Notice !!

Please take this post seriously:

I've had far too many people asking blog authors for permission to use ideas from the blog.
There isn't anything wrong with using our ideas, but the authors on this blog do not have the right to give permission (unless, of course, it is about something they created/wrote).

This is my blog, so if you would like to use/copy something from it please ask me.

Thank you.

Please also note that I'm not mad at any specific person. Any permission that was given out by a blog author in the past will be accepted, but from now on.. please do not continue to do this.

1 comment:

  1. Can I use ur idea on drawing? I have totally given ALL COMPLETELY ALL credit to u and ur blog. thx!


You're about to comment on a blog post! Yay! But first, make sure your comment follows these simple guidelines:
1) No cuss words, even with ***s
2) No rude/disrespectful messages to ANYONE, not even anonymous users.
3) No copying/stealing someone's words (unless you quote them for it)
4) No inappropriate messages
5) No trying to get around these rules!