Saturday, February 28, 2015

"How's the weather?"

Guys I feel so guilty.
Where I happen to live it's been like, 90 degrees outside..

Other places are buried in snow, and I'm sitting here in shorts complaining about how hot it is! hehe
Whats the weather like for you?



  1. It's really cold for me too. :((

  2. Honestly you shouldn't feel guilty. Everyone has their preference and their own reasons, and being exposed to so much heat can be dangerous. Cold isn't the only feeling that can have negative effects.

  3. It's been cold for all of February like between -10 and -25?
    Also fand do U remember the numbers to X-rays username? Idk if u got my jag but she deleted me. Did she delete you to?

  4. Its nice and cold with lots of snow!
    I personally dislike the heat so no need to feel guilty.

  5. In the mornings for the past month, it's been in the single digits and sometimes even a few degrees below 0. And I'm now caught up in a snowstorm-again. XD

    Oh and don't feel guilty. 90 degrees is as dangerous and terrible as 20 degree weather. ;o;


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