Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tricky Trivia Contest Winner

Come one, come all to see what we've been waiting on since June 25th.

Not too long ago our blog hosted a trivia contest because lots of you wanted to have one here! It was so much fun reading your answers; so I'd like to give a huge thanks to our participants. Give yourself a round of applause if you entered!

Snakedog62 is our winner :)

Here is their list of answers:

1. What land in AJ is home to a movie theater?
Sarepia Forest
2. If you need new clothing for your Animal Jam character, where can you go?
You can do/ go to a few places!
- Open up your menu (by clicking your animal) click shop, and there ya go!
- Go to jamaa township, go to the building under the statue of mira named Jam Mart clothing, and click on one of the stands
-The conservation museum in apondale has a wide variety of animal hats, just click the stand near the door!
- Looking for some doctors supplies? Head to kimbara and enter the building to your left called Medical Center, near the door you can shop for doctor related clothing
-Go to the cocoa hut in mount shiver and click on the arctic coats near the back for some winter clothing
- Go to epic wonders in Coral canyons, and go up the stairs, click the green orb and voila!
3. What is the name of Animal Jam's Koala Alpha?
The name of Animal Jam's Koala Alpha is Cosmo
4. How long is the tongue of a giraffe?
I believe 18-20 inches long (some have been recorded to be slightly longer)
5. How many elephants are alive today? (google)
a few million African elephants and about 100,000 Asian elephants. Today, there are an estimated 450,000 - 700,000 African elephants and between 35,000 - 40,000 wild Asian elephants. (www.defenders.org/elephant/basic-facts)
6. How big was the largest ocean wave ever recorded? (how many feet tall)
It was a tsunami that was 1720 feet! We learned about it on a field trip once :3
7. What is the title of the first Animal Jam adventure?
Training ground can be called an adventure to some, but the first real adventure was return of the phantoms 
8. What is the name of AJ's Panda Alpha?
The name of AJ's Panda Alpha is the pesky Liza (my least fave Alpha >,<)
9. How many years old is AJ?
Four whole years, almost five though
10. Where can you find videos by Dr. Brady Barr in Jamaa?
Go to the lost temple of Zios And enter the building called Brady Bar's Laboratory
11. Are Sequoia trees very tall or very short?
VERY TALL! I saw one before, it was giant o,o!!!!
12. How many continents are there?
Today there are 7 known continents, however some scientists believe long ago there was one super continent named Pangea (studied about it in school)
13. How many penguins are alive today?
I think 20 million to 30 million last time I checked which was a month ago
14. What colors are pandas?
Skin is black under the black fur, and pink under the white fur (i dont know if your also talking about red pandas so i'll leave it at that)
15. Are red pandas big or small?
16. What does 'conservation' mean?
Conservation is to preserve something, it also means like preventing something to go away (like preventing extinction)
17. Are wooly mammoths extinct?
Sadly, yes
18. What was the biggest dinosaur?
Eh well there's two but I can only name one so I'm pretty sure it's Argentinosaurus at least thats what it is currently i believe, but scientists have a hypothesis for a bigger one
19. What was the first flying animal on AJ?
The first flying animal on aj was the eagle :3
20. Where can you paint/draw pictures on Animal Jam?
The Art studio in coral canyons

Congratulations for getting the most correct answers!!
Since I'm nm it is difficult to give you the prize, but next time you're online I'll give you it! + maybe a bonus for waiting

See ya Jammers!
Btw, all of you did great! I didn't see any answers that were too far off from being correct. So good job!


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