Sunday, August 30, 2015

AJMV Spotlight Feature: August 30, 2015

Good evening, Jammers!

Today's extra-special AJMV feature goes to..
this adorable music video for the song "sparks"!

I love this one. A lot.
It's so cute and the effects are greatly put together!

Food For Thought:
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Daily Appreciation:
There is a little area in my city that contains some of my favorite shops. It has a cafe where I love to sit and drink cocoa while using my phone/laptop, it has a small ice cream parlor where me and my dad like to go together, a bookstore where I spend hours reading (it also has a cafe and reading corner), a smoothie shop that me and my best friend walk to often, a delicious burger grill, a couple of import stores with unique goods from around the world, two art supply stores (my favorites), a video game and electronic store (it's HUGE), a breakfast place where me and my family go almost every weekend, and a cozy little cafe.
I love this area so much, but I had always taken it for granted. But now I have come to appreciate how wonderful it is and how many memories I have made there over the years. I'm so lucky to have places to go for almost every mood I'm in.

Bye Jammers!
Comment Call: What is one thing that you are thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Even though I complain about them a lot, I'm thankful for my brothers - yes, All 7 of them


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