Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Blogidays '16 | Day Three

There'll be parties for hosting,
marshmallows for toasting,
and caroling out in the snooooow.

The snow part never really applies to me, though. A problem with California I guess?

Today in Fang's Life

(from 12/16/16)
Today is the day I'm going to that art exhibit I told you about yesterday! My friend is coming to pick me up in about half an hour- I can't wait! It's going to take a while for us to get there, though, since we need to take a train..
It's also my mom's birthday today! And yeah, we're making cookies later like I mentioned before.
Tomorrow I have to catch up on some school I haven't done. I've been so busy with my IRL friends and working on the blog posts! Totally worth it though. Phew.
Uhh, guess that's all? If something else comes up I'll have to keep you updated.

Fact of the Day

Santa Claus delivering presents comes from Holland’s celebration of St. Nicholas’ feast day on December 6.

That's really all for today.. tune in tomorrow! I hope to see you there!


  1. Does anyone ever get carolers? I've never seen them anywhere o.o Except at malls maybe, but that's different XD


  2. Replies
    1. It's never snowed where I live! The only time I've seen snow (falling out of the sky) is when I went skiing in Tahoe.

    2. Cooky, pls share the snow with us XD
      Where I live we haven't had proper snow for 4 years x.x


  3. California? I'm not very far from there! :D

    1. It's a struggle but it has its perks too! No shoveling snow off of driveways. ;)


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