Thursday, January 5, 2017

Why I'm Not Renewing My Membership

Happy New Year Jammers!

Whether you believe 2016 was bad or good, just remember to focus on the present. THE PAST IS IN THE PAST!! (I stole that one from Fang's 2016 post 😉)

Anyways, a few of my buddies are asking me- Why aren't you renewing your membership? Here are my reasons. 

Plain and simple, I can buy more important things. Such as a movie ticket to go see a movie with my friends, things I can use over and over again (shirts, etc..) or I can do what Fang did, and donate it to people who really do need it. Also, I am sort of protesting against AJHQ for being unfair to the non-members. For example: New daily spin, masterpieces (I'm kinda bummed that they did that 😖), new adventures, and so many other things. If I bought that membership, I'd be supporting them and the fact that they are being unfair. I do understand that they are a company, with real people and families, but honestly they could be a little more fair. 

I highly suggest watching this video, as it provides more detail to my argument:

Oh-! And I wanted to remind you guys I am hosting a contest on the Dream Miner AJ and the entries are due tomorrow night!

Anyways- I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you want to see more rants in 2017, please let me know!


  1. Ah, I see. Well, I'm just glad your not quitting or something! That would be very sad for us all.

    Just an opinion, non-members totally deserve more but think about it. They made pigs non-member which was super nice. And if you look at other games, you'll find out that AJ offers more clothing, furniture, animals, and adventures then any other game.

    But I see where you are coming from! ;)

    1. Oh and another quick thing. The new member spin... well, if it was given to non-members, what good what it do? It's not like they have a lot of diamond things to buy or masterpieces to buy. (But seriously?! They should have left masterpieces to non-members...)

  2. That's a good argument! Honestly I hope they do improve on their non-member rights in the future but I do have to say they are somewhat fair right now :3

  3. I understand what you mean. It's not always ideal to fork out the amount of money for membership a year for just some pixels.

    Technically however, the more new features members get, the more old features non members get. I expect that this year the jammer wall be nm, and we can expect another new/old nm animal (like the pigs and giraffes)

    It kinda scares me I've spent over £150 on membership o.o


    1. Good Point!
      I honestly just buy the gift cards- probably because I don't own a credit card XD


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