Monday, October 20, 2014

Rare Phantom Balloon

Hello Jammers!
Monkeygirl057 here, with today's new R.I.M.! (Rare Item Monday)

It''s actually pretty cute for a phantom item.

Good Things About This Item:

1. It's not as creepy as normal Phantom Items, so it's better for year-round parties, games, best dressed, etc...
2. it's LIGHT BLUE! Not many R.I.M.s are light blue, so it's a really special one!

Bad Things About This Item:

1. It's a bit pricey for a R.I.M.
2. It's Member-Only, so only member Jammers can wear it. So unfair. :(
3.It's a bit strange looking on foxes wearing top hats, (most of the time it's backwards) but Idk whether that's good or bad. x3

Well, that's all for now.
Bye Jammers! :3

1 comment:

  1. I like how you put the pros and cons of the rare. c:


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