Thursday, November 3, 2016

November Updates

Hey guys !!

It's been quite a while since I've written a post for this blog, and I apologize for that. I have a few updates to compensate for being gone.

First off, I know many of you were expecting an October contest. I completely forgot about that but I can assure you that it'll be happening this month instead.

Secondly are the blog template updates. You guys can vote on the left sidebar of the blog for your preference on a holiday theme. It looks like the Christmas theme is winning by far, but if you'd like the blog to remain the same during December, you can cast your vote now.

Lastly, I'd like to talk about my life updates. My grandpa's funeral is Monday, so the contest (or any other blog events) won't be taking place until after that. I also expect to be gone on Sunday.
Later this month, I'll be away on Thanksgiving and a couple of days following it. That's all as far as I know.

See you guys next post!
I hope some of you will be interested in entering our contest.
COMMENT CALL: What's something you are looking forward to?


  1. Great to see you pop onto the blog :)

    Im looking forward to life in general :')


You're about to comment on a blog post! Yay! But first, make sure your comment follows these simple guidelines:
1) No cuss words, even with ***s
2) No rude/disrespectful messages to ANYONE, not even anonymous users.
3) No copying/stealing someone's words (unless you quote them for it)
4) No inappropriate messages
5) No trying to get around these rules!