Sunday, March 16, 2014

imaamazingperson123 - she's back

So as you know, imaamazingperson123 has scammed many Jammers over the past few months (look at my other posts about her for reference). She even admitted to scamming!
And I was constantly checking to see if she was online. Most of the time, she was. But she suddenly disappeared after admitting to scamming. My first thought was: Animal Jam banned her after they found out she scammed. But now, I looked at her player card, and her animal has changed looks!
She seems to have gotten new items, and her wolf changed colors. And yes, I did check to see if she just switched animals. But she only has two animals, and they have both changed. This means that she came online and changed her look. Well, if she came online, she hasn't been banned! Or maybe she was banned for a few days? I mean, who knows, she could have just been on vacation. Anyway, the point is, imaamazingperson123 is back. So watch out! Keep calm and Jam on ^.^ bye!!

1 comment:

  1. Good observation,s , I see her names different. - q1zx


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