Friday, May 16, 2014

It's National Love a Tree Day!

Love a Tree Day 

When: Always on May 16th

It's Love a Tree Day. So, go out and give a tree a great big hug.

Trees are a good thing. They give us shade, comfort and warmth. They give off oxygen, too. There are many, many benefits provided by trees. So, you have good reason to love a tree or two.

Everyone has a favorite kind of tree. Use today to identify a tree you love, and to pamper it. Give it a trim. Eliminate competitors around it. Feed it a dose of fertilizer. Tree spikes work great. And, give the tree some water, if it is thirsty.

Important Note: On Love a Tree Day, your attention must be turned toward trees. A bush or a shrub just won't do.
Flower of the Day: Forsythia
Recipe of the Day: Homemade Mustard
-information from


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