Saturday, November 22, 2014

Polar Post

Hello my beautiful Sunbeams!

I know I haven't been very active lately, and that's because I've been horribly sick, but I promise to make it up to you with some cool stuff.

Polar bears have arrived (as you probably know) and they brought a huge update with them!

Screenshot from the AJ Spirit Blog

They're kinda cute. I was expecting them to be a little more Jamaasian-ish... if that makes any sense.
The other animals seem to have sharper lines and more shading, while the polar bear has curvy lines and less shading.
Oh well, they're still pretty nice!

Image from the Daily Explorer 

Aw, that's such a sweet picture! Don't you agree?

And possibly the cutest of all....
pet polar bears!

They're absolutely precious. I love how big that nose is, haha!

 Well yeah, I suppose that's all I have to share with you guys today.
Bye =)


  1. You've been sick?! :O
    Stay inside as much as possible and eat Saltines and drink lots of liquids, also try to get a flu shot if you haven't yet, or a nose thing which is pretty much the same only they spray stuff into your nose and it doesn't hurt. Pick out a fun book to read (may I suggest Warriors?) and try not to talk or use screens too much, they always seem to make people feel more sick. Sorry if this is a bit annoying, just want to help, because these all seem to help me.

    Also, I'll try to post daily as often as possible.

    Get Well Soon..!


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