Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hello Hello Hello!

Hey guys! Pabese here! Im sorry if theres mess ups in this post, i have low charge, gotta run!!!!
Anyways, this is what Iv'e recently made!!!

  • Creeper Picture
  • Piggy (by brdese
  • Zombie (Me
  • Cardnal picture
  • P 7 B letters (both of us :D
  • eye (not sure if you can see it lol cheezy :p
  • Chest one (mine
  • Opended chest (brdese 


  1. That. Is. Awesome! Pabese, may I please use ur drawing idea on my website? This is SEASUM12345, and btw, my real username is creativebunny2. Please buddy me on my other account!

  2. Of course! Just make sure i get credit!!!!! I copyright my work, so you cant use it to sell a product or anything.. Happy jamming!!


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