Sunday, January 11, 2015

Winter Fun and Ideas!

Fang wants us to post our favorite winter activities, so here are some of mine! <3
I often just sleep and eat, but I do a little in winter XD
I've made it a tradition for me to build an igloo every year, and last year I built a pretty good one! Sadly, it melted. XD
This year I built an igloo In OCTOBER (believe it or not) aaand it melted. 0-0
This time I'm gonna build an igloo that (HOPEFULLY) won't melt as easily!
Even though we have like a foot of snow in places, I'll tell you guys when I fail x3

I love to read, I guess you could call me a nerd. Go ahead, I don't find it insulting. In fact, I'm proud.
I especially love to read in winter, I'm currently about to read the sixth warrior cats book (YEY!!!)
I'm going to start drawing more again, I've really been too lazy lately.

Well, sunbeams! It's been so cold out lately, and the sun hasn't really been out much, has it..?
I have some fun ideas to brighten your smiles! (I will not be held responsible if your mouth ACTUALLY catches on fire 0-0)

Winter Activity Ideas:
Try making snowflake decorations! Check your library for books about winter crafts, our library has a specific area for winter stuff.

If you're not really a craft person, ask your family if they want to watch a movie.
I suggest Polar Express, Rudolph, Frosty The Snowman, and MST3K's Jack Frost. (Note: has almost nothing to do with Jack Frost and Frost is so funny at some parts)
MST3K  is also called Mystery Science Theater 300, it's kind of an older kids show but it's so funny...   There's also MST3K'S Santa Claus versus the devil, I don't really believe in the devil but whether you do or don't this is pretty funny... (not trying to insult anyone or anything, I'm a Christian)
Apparently the devil is Santa's enemy. o.o

 Pretty much every day of the year I read, it feels nice to get away from electronics every once in a while, I mean, why not? Our brains really aren't meant to stare at these screens all day.. 
I also draw a little bit, I suggest trying even if you don't really draw, you'll probably learn you can draw. Draw simply at first and don't ever give up! Listen to music from bands like Owl City and Imagine Dragons  for inspiration :3
Drawing can be really fun if you have a pencil sharpener, otherwise I get mad at my pencil a lot. x3
-Monkeygirl057/ Blossom

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