Sunday, May 24, 2015

AJMV Spotlight Feature: May 24 2015

This AJMV is an oldie but goodie. Made in 2013, this perfect two music video is one of my favorites on youtube.


  1. Hey, 2Fangwolf! I'm sorry I haven't been around much.. I haven't been playing AJ much lately either. I'm just getting into other stuff now.. I'm reading and drawing more now, and I'm planning on making a new non-AJ Blog. My mom apparently wrote an article for a website a little while ago and today they said it's going to be published. We're all really excited..
    And I hope my mom writes a book eventually so I can help illustrate.
    Anyway, I really miss AJ and you guys a ton. Wenever I go on nobody is there. I've pretty much quit.. But I'm still around on G+, Deviantart, etc.
    I hope you see this comment and I hope to talk to you soon. I'm also going to a few classes this year, one's next week at a little museum.
    Talk to you soon! 😺


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