Saturday, May 23, 2015

Horseback Riding!

Hi Sunbeams!

It's Saturday, which means I'll be posting about my real-life stories.
Well you see, tomorrow I'm going to a music/art festival with my dad. But after that..
I'm going horseback riding with my best friend!

It's been so long since I've ridden a horse. I doubt I'll even remember how to do it. :p
We're going to her cousins house and they live on a ranch that isn't too far away from where we live. Monday is her dad's birthday so we're celebrating there. I don't have school on Monday because it's Memorial Day (yay) so we have more time to spend together.
I miss her even though we see each other every week xD

So yeah, that's a little blurb from my life. ^^

Ciao, Jammers!

Comment Call: Horseback riding tips?


  1. Stay safe is a tip! Did u check to see if X-ray was on your list?

  2. I saw horse races today. heh

    Have fun! :D

    I don't go horseriding, so I have no tips. XD

  3. Have fun to your Horseback Riding with your cousin. Remember the basic steps and don't forget to ask an advice to your trainer before riding again. To protect yourself, make sure to wear proper gear like helmet.


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