Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Posting Schedule + Throwback Thursday

Hiya Sunbeams!

As you probably know, I'm not a huge fan of posting schedules. They make me feel too pressured. I just like posting whatever comes into my mind, not being forced to write about a specific topic.

However, I do think that having a schedule would benefit this blog in lots of ways. It'll keep us more organized but still allow us to be creative with how we write.

To compromise for myself, I have created a vague schedule with a few main points that will be covered in each daily post.
That way, I can still write about anything I want as long as it includes those main points somehow. It'll end up making the blog more... 'tidy'. That probably makes no sense to you, but I feel like having a main idea each day prevents the post from getting too off-topic.

So yeah, just throwing that out there so you all know what's going on!
Here's the schedule:

Sunday: AJMV Spotlight Feature
Monday: Is It Rare post series + RIM
Tuesday: Truth Be Told post series
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday holiday + Recipe/flower of the day
Thursday: Daily item post + Throwback Thursday
Friday: Truth Be Told post series + Daily item
Saturday: a day in the life of Fang (stories about real life)

That should hopefully get me on track!

Here's today's Throwback Thursday:

My holiday special AJMV!


1 comment:

  1. hi im wondering if u still make pics cuz i put a order so im wordering when it will be done cuz i want to put it as my desktop pic sooo if u can get back to me that wod be grate


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