Thursday, September 3, 2015


Hi Sunbeams & Jammers!

Today in Jamaa..
lynxes were released
it is Animal Jam's 5th bday
the new code 'ajbday5' can be used to get a 5th bday cake den item
there is a new exhibit in the conservation museum in Appondale
AJHQ reminded us about their official magazines for the game
& more

Well it was a pretty fun day then, wasn't it?
I am [sadly] non-member and cannot purchase the lynx, but on the other hand, I didn't really love how it looked anyway.

Also my ear feels a lot better from the surgery. Thanks for all of your great comments!

Until next post-
Comment Call: What are your thoughts on the new update?


  1. I think AJHQ keeps making diamond animals so nm become members

  2. Is it bad or horrible i I advertise my blog here? Um.. Maybe can you have a quick glance? You get free, crappy art! e: Here's the link if your interested:

  3. pisst your not the only one who dont like the lynxes then looked cute in the jamma book thing bat im not so sure now....

  4. Yeah! The lynxes were adorable in the Jamaa Journal, but they are so weird! Their heads are too big. I personally think AJHQ was pretty lazy designing the lynxes...


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