Friday, February 5, 2016

Horrible Hairdressers!

Good morning Jammers!

Since I haven't written in a while I thought I'd create one of my "Day in the Life of Fang" posts, which you all seem to enjoy reading (and that's what matters).

So recently I was at the hairdressers getting a trim since my split ends were becoming a bit too much for my taste. It just looked unruly, so I wanted them chopped off.
It was kinda "on the spot" since we hadn't scheduled for an appointment, but my usual hairdresser was never too busy.
She accepted us and let me and my mom get our hair done.
However, while we waited our turn, the employees were nonstop complaining about how frizzy my hair is and how I really need to do something about "my mess".
They wouldn't even let me sit down without insisting that my mom bought me some $50 olive oil conditioning products.

After that was over, they took me to go deep condition/shampoo my hair in a salon sink. It was going fine until my ear started to burn..

I reached up and the lady looked at me concerned. She had knocked my cartilage earring out of my ear and onto the floor, and shampoo was getting into the piercing hole (for those of you who don't have cartilage piercings, just know that when shampoo gets into it, IT HURTS).

I explained what had happened and she apologized. I guess it wasn't really her fault (she probably didn't notice the piercing at all).
I put the earring back in. It was fine again.
A few minutes later-- BAM! Earring on the floor; apologies apologies.
This repeated a few times before my hair was done being washed & rinsed.

Then we went to the salon chair, where she proceeded to comb my hair and plug in a blow dryer.
She kept hitting my cartilage with the comb, and it hurt and caused my ear to swell up and turn red. But it gets worse..

She smacked my earring with the burning hot blow dryer and it went LITERALLY flying across the room.
It took her a good 30 minutes to find the back of it.

Long story short, my ear still aches, and I'm not going back to that hairdresser anymore.

Hope you all have a good day, and I hope your ears aren't red and sore like mine!


  1. Omg wow e.e hope your ears feel better! I can't really relate to what happened to your ears, but quite a few times in the past when I get a haircut/styling the employees who are in and are gonna work on my hair complain to each other with me around about how thick and tangled my hair is. And they suggest I buy (well, technically my mom) these special hair serums to help tame my wild hair (yes lol). So she bought it after they worked on my hair. But it isn't nearly as troublesome as your experience.

    I like the the new blog design, by the way! ^-^

    1. Ugh yes, my hair is very thick so they always tell me how I should "invest" in better hair care products. Like ????

      Glad you're enjoying the blog design, by the way.


  2. Once I was sleeping and my earring came loose. I actually didn't notice for a few days, and I was too lazy to put it back on so I was going to do it later but I forgot. Then 3 months later I was going to a party, tried to put my earring on,and realized my wholes had closed. It hurt so much, but not even close to how bad your experience was. Hope your ear feels better! By the way, join the frizzy hair club :3

    1. Oh my that's terrible! I had a whole earring stuck inside of my ear piercing multiple times, and I had to get surgery since it closed around the earring. My ear feels much better now though, haha, thanks c:

  3. I guess I haven't viewed this blog for awhile since the template has changed! I really like it!

  4. I don't have earrings or thick hair so I can't relateXD although my sister has the thickest hair ever

    1. Consider yourself lucky because both can be a pain in the butt.

      Also, the blog template was just recently changed so you're not late haha.

  5. i have thick hair it gets tangled sooo fast i have never been the the hairdressers before so i odnt know whats its like my mom cuts my hair xD but my sister has really ling thin hair and she is 6 (i wish i had long hair) and she ALLWAYS get HUGE tangles it it she needs to cut it but she will not let anyone cut it xd oh well her fault when i hurts when you brush it i dont have earrings tho i wish i did so i dont know on that one my mom has her them closes on her to and she olny puts them on if she is going out for dinner or some thing


    1. Yeah, long hair & earrings can be annoying at times. But I guess if you like them like me then it's worth the struggles haha.


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