Thursday, August 25, 2016

Animal Jam Movie Tag | 2fangwolf

Hey everybody!

Today I'm gonna be answering the questions from Violet's AJ Movie Tag!
Stick around 'till the end of the post to see if you've been tagged. :-)

1. My favorite actor is probably Chad Michael Murray and my favorite actress is Shailene Woodley.
2. There are many movies that I love, but my favorite is The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
3. I don't have a particular movie series that I favor over others.
4. I like both about the same. Books are better for stories where you need to feel a deeper connection to the characters, while movies are better for entertainment and action.
5. Pretty much anything except documentaries/biographies.
6. Movies are great for when you want to sit down and watch something with friends, or just when the story suits a movie better. TV shows are more for when you're alone in my opinion. You could keep up with the story on your own time. I like both the same, but TV shows obviously have longer stories so you get to understand characters better.
7. Hmm, not really. I'd like to see Nerve a second time though.


I tag CookyCupcake, cutepups, and lostfairy!

Jam on, shine on, and play wild.


  1. :D

  2. Thanks for doing the tag fang!!

    1. Don't know why I was commenting as anonymousXD

  3. Imma do this tag even though I wasn't tagged. As always lol.
    1.I don't really have one to be honest.
    2. Zootropolis. Definitely.
    3. The hunger games. Again, definitely.
    4. Both.
    5. Animated movies, action, adventure and comedy. I hate horror movies and romance movies to be honest x.x
    6. Movies. I don't watch much tv.
    7. I really want to see the secret life of pets, Eddie the Eagle and the new version of the jungle book.

    Thanks for making the tag!

    1. *whoops, meant sharing your answers, not making XD
      My brain puts the wrong words often x.x

  4. Thanks so much, Fang! I'll do this tag soon. ^.^


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