Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Screenshot Dump #1

Hiya Jammers!

Soooo I was cleaning off my laptop and I realized something..
..I have way too many screenshots.
I keep them because I think I'll use them for a post one day. But honestly, I don't feel like I'll be using them anytime soon.
I guess this makes me a screenshot hoarder.

Since I don't particularly enjoy having my laptop filled to the brim with random pictures of Animal Jam, here is a post containing some of the pictures. I'm going to be deleting them off my computer and saving them here instead.

oh my god we look so emo
...don't ask.
These letters are so adorable squeeee
an outfit i have saved
this was just so pretty!
at the AJLP blog party!

As selfish as it sounds, these posts are just to benefit myself. Have fun looking at my screenshots (if that's the kind of thing that interests you).
You guys don't have to read these posts, though.

Jam on, shine on, and play wild!


  1. I'm a screenshot hoarder myself, I think! You have no idea how many pictures I have saved on my computer...
    I am thinking more than 1000, but probably more like 500, idk. Either way, I feel you, XD
    If you have funny ones saved, I would suggest you find them all and make them into a post, like I do! Everyone loves reading random things random people say! XD

    1. Yes, it's my weakness!
      I will definitely take that into consideration btw (:

  2. Lol I'm also a screenshot hoarder. XD


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