Thursday, August 11, 2016

Animal Jam Music Tag | 2fangwolf

Hey guys!

CookyCupcake just made a brand new tag for Animal Jam bloggers, and of course, I was one of the people tagged. xD
Here it goes!

1. Mitchel Musso way back in 2009.
2. Definitely alternative.
3. The Chainsmokers - Closer ft. Halsey.
4. I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It (yeah, that's the title of the album).
5. It's a three-way tie between Twenty One Pilots, The Neighbourhood, and The 1975.
6. I don't play any instruments. Oops.

Welp, that's all!
I tag whoever wants to make one of these posts!


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