Sunday, October 5, 2014

Clarification and Bat Balloons

Hey Sunbeams!

The new items are bat balloons!

O-O why is this so adorable..

Also, to clarify for a few people -
Anonymous comments aren't counted towards the Top Commenter list.
Sorry :( I didn't choose it that way, the gadget already had that setting.

Ava683 - you comment an awful lot! So even though you couldn't be added to the Top Commenter list, I'll find some way to reward you C:


That's all !

1 comment:

  1. Famg!!!! Casandra189 was visiting and she said she might come back for good!!:)


You're about to comment on a blog post! Yay! But first, make sure your comment follows these simple guidelines:
1) No cuss words, even with ***s
2) No rude/disrespectful messages to ANYONE, not even anonymous users.
3) No copying/stealing someone's words (unless you quote them for it)
4) No inappropriate messages
5) No trying to get around these rules!