Sunday, January 25, 2015

Is this normal?

Okay, so iv'e had this dream like, idk three times maybe? But this is how it starts out..

Its starts off with me sitting in a chair at my house.
My mom is playing with bees, like you know, they go on her finger and she puts them on a flower. Then, I see a girl in a blue plaid dress, and she looks like a 10 year old dorathy, then she falls and i get her veiw so she turns into me. Then on my lawn, these dogs that look like this, OVER 100 OF THEM, run north i guess, but they dont TRAMPLE me. lol the music is just like DO DO DO DO do da do do
and i hear this voice, like my nana, saying "Marla got out again!"

So ya, now im more terrified of dogs..

European Dobermann.jpg
Doberman Pinscher


  1. (marla is my pitbull she used to get out a lot)

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, repeated dreams are interesting and weird.... .-.

  3. That's actually really cool to have the same dream 3 times... Interesting... :D

  4. Dreams ARE really quite fascinating. Lots of theories on repeated ones, but I think they're just things your mind is trying to figure out while you sleep.

  5. you guys are so nice :)

    Dream on Sunshines!


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