Friday, June 26, 2015

What's been going on in Fang's life? June '15

So how's your Summer break been?

Mine's been pretty great. I got to visit theme parks w/ my best friends. I'm even going to a Summer camp soon!

The theme parks were fun because my friends are the best people I know. We went on little kid rides a lot, hehe.
You only live once so why not ride baby train rides? Don't worry, we rode roller coasters too ;)
My friend is afraid of them though, haha.

Well that's all.

Byeeee <3


  1. Sounds fun!

    My summer's just started... I'm hoping it'll be filled with great things.

  2. mine's been good so far..... monday i went to michigan's adventure and yesterday we finally got our hot tub fixed (after like 4 years)


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