Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Middle Child's Day

Hey hey hey!

Today is a day to celebrate all of the children who have both an older and younger sibling. If this is you, then you might understand how it feels to often be overlooked by adults.
Typically, the youngest child gets the most attention. They get the most gifts, the most care, and are "babied" by their parents.
This is not always the case, but a lot of times it is.
The oldest child gets a lot of attention as well. They will be the first to graduate, the first to drive, and usually the first to move out on their own.
Parents often realize how fast their children are growing up and give older siblings a lot of attention.
Again, this is not always the case, but it is likely.
Also the older siblings tend to taunt their younger family members.
If you are a middle child, however, you have none of these special perks.
Your older siblings may harass you, and your younger siblings may get away with a lot more than you, but your family is still your family.

That is why today, August 12th, is Middle Child's Day.

"For parents of three children, you likely know the "Middle Child Syndrome" all too well. If you grew up the middle child with both older and younger siblings, you know the feeling a from a very personal perspective."

If you are a middle kid, enjoy this day! It's yours!

Recipe of the Day:  Fried Pepper Rings
Flower of the Day: Chrysanthemums



  1. im the older one, i was wondering if we can talk

  2. I'm the youngest sibling, but my 2 older siblings get more attention and praise than me. (99.99% about COLLEGEEEE).
    Not that I mind, though. I don't like being the center of attention- for most of the time. *shrugs*

  3. i can move mountains. i can work a miracle. keep you like an oath. may nothing but death do us part......she wants to dance like Uma Thurman.

    ~fall out boy

    you can move mountains you can break rocks.... soon there'[s going to be a day when your standing in the hall of fame

    ~the script

    staring at the blank space before you, looking out the dirty window relase the good side, waving at something in the distance. feel the rain on your skin.
    ~unknown ~unwritten

    life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain


  4. im the oldest and have a sis and bro who are in the middle so is
    my first then my first bro then my sis then my 10 month old bro XD we all are the same amount of love from mom and dad :) u gota love ur parents! ( and some times hate them )


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