Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Truth Be Told - Post 3 of 5 - The Truth About MOVIES IN JAMAA!

Hello Sunbeams and Jammers of all kinds!

Welcome to another post that was written as a part of my series, Truth Be Told. As you may already know, there will be 5 posts in total when I am finished.

Let's begin.

If you play Animal Jam often, or even if you don't, you are most likely familiar with at least one of Jamaa's 4 theaters.
There is the classic theater in Sarepia forest,
the one in Brady Barr's lab,
the one at the beach which seems to be ocean themed,
and the newly-made conservation theater in Appondale.

Are these for entertainment, education, or.... advertising!?
Yes, that's right. ADs.
I have a few theories..

The AD Theory

I believe this is part of the reason why Jamaa is home to so many theaters: Advertising purposes. Not only is Brady Barr humorous and interesting, but he might just know how to convince kids to buy memberships.
Same goes for all of the other people who star in Jamaa videos/movies.
Some of the theaters play animated short films to promote their newest animal available. There was a short film for nearly all of the newer (late 2014-2015) animals.
Have you noticed that the animals were all members-only?
By spreading the news of new animals like wildfire, AJHQ pressures kids into purchasing memberships so that they can earn more profit for Nat Geo Kids.
All we are to them is money anyway, right?
For those of us who aren't made of money, like myself, we are less fortunate and have to deal with seeing new animals everywhere 24/7. Sometimes people get jealous and really really want the new stuff! I haven't ever been jealous of pixels, but that's just me..

The Educational Theory

Okay, well this one is more fact than theory, but here goes nothing:
Animal Jam is literally trying to force knowledge into our brains.
I know that it's a learning game and all that but seriously!?
There's just FACT after FACT after FACT everywhere you look! It's making the game kinda less fun. Education is good, and some of the facts interest me, but we don't need to overdo it, do we now?

Have your OWN theory? Comment it!

That's alllll for this post~
Make sure to follow the new Instagram: 2fangwolf


  1. Dear fang,
    Recently i was suspended on Animal Jam and i don't know why. I don't know how long the suspension is, because all i did was log on and it said i was suspended. I will log on as jrsm4321 for the time being. i check my account via my brothers account, my spike and stuff are still there. Any suggestions?
    ~ ;-; cookycupcake


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