Sunday, November 22, 2015

Guys... we did it. [upcoming party info]

Attention all Color Charity members;
we have finally done it.

All Jammers are now able to change the color of their accessories.
Obviously this calls for a celebration!

A party will be held in colorcharity 's den on December 19
for pretty much the entire day.
Stay as long as you'd like.
We will be celebrating our victory! We encourage non-members to come as well (even if you weren't helped by Color Charity). Let's party!
Free items, fun times, new friends.. what's not to love?

But of course, along with this victory, comes a concerning question.
What does this mean for the Color Charity's future?

Well, only time can answer this, so we'll just have to see where life takes us.
I am hoping that we can redirect this charity to a new purpose!
Maybe this time it will be free-chat for nm? I could definitely see us protesting that.

Thank you so so so so much if you participated or supported this cause!
It means the world to me. Honestly.

Have a fantastic weekend, friends. <3


  1. YAY!

    Congrats the AJ SUNSHINE blog and anyone who helped!!! AJHQ finally gave us what we wanted!! but what should we protest next?? Sadly, this wonderful charity has to end, but we can protest about more things about nm. Maybe more nm animals and non diamond animals. Free chat for nm?? Maybe being able to change your name tag or at least add your adventure level?? (Since when does an non member NOT want to flaunt their adventure level??) Why make member only adventures???

    Special thanks to~~


    HeartOfCrystals, Hopestar100, savymoon1, isabellamozarella, Stormyfable, crafty28588, Smartypawz, pink200330, q1zx, cassandra189, kongohb, etherealcomet, mythy, lilac2564, kangaroo155, 4everinlove23, xray/iceheart, zeekitty, monkeygirl057, summer83034, neonwaffles, gizmo9977, rebelista1914, cottoncandy87326, moondancer31, missymgs, Arculion99, mysticwolf, horselover586, babykylie9, jetblue999, charm2119, ava683, popy2750, Pabese, lpslover67494, droppedfromheaven, clayfl0w3r, mountainlaurel, Shadowclawxx, violet86271, GotFrenchBulldogs, ancientclawz, Jammer9944413, Kenna64547, vera09202, worldwind, smoretheguineapig, missdarlingjammer, crystalglaceon2003, awesomenessisi, crazycat1234elk, cupcake58354, d66864, dragonfire426, Awsomepup126, Sapphire5555, Kitkat8529, Archerymaster6561, tandrar68, mlt8, alleycat, elsaandanua, cow78720, merediththth, cookycupcake, tomboymember, leah4848, pep0303, snakedog62, 05rain, aw73196, alexabear1, cowlan, cowlan67, bi88819, shes2cute, thegreatanimaljammer, ajlovepup, finyrabbit

    Thank you all.

    (p.s I have a nm storage account. Ahh the struggles. [cookycupcakestorage])

    1. Careful there, AJHQ is starting to delete storages, dunno why, but they have something against storages..

    2. Oh dear god. I better transfer all my items back i guess.

  2. I feel so happy! It was so much fun being a part of this amazing color charity.
    Thank you everybody for supporting the color charity, we came so far!

  3. ya for the color charity sorry for not looking here in sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg my falt!


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