Friday, October 17, 2014

Spooky Lamps [ an inspirational post? ]

Good afternoon Sunbeams!

Today's new item is the Spooooooooooky Lamp!

As if you didn't know already *cough*
Everyone posts before I do.. rahh xD

I know some of you are quite depressed and attempt to hide your true thoughts behind a smiling face. If that's the case, or even if it isn't, check out this inspiring story:

click on the image to make it bigger
I know, I know, this is a very small picture. Just give it a click to make it larger.

And also, to finish off our post, here's a little video I thought I'd share:

^^ that's a video of the third Color Charity protest!

See you next post!

1 comment:

  1. Omygosh I know that song..! Every time I hear a song I heard before My heart beats really fast and my I shiver because I'm so happy. Is that normal? x3


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