Saturday, August 13, 2016

Fang's Birthday Bash 2016 Reminder

Tomorrow is the party! It's going to be a lot of fun!

I hope some of you guys can make it! If you aren't able to come that's okay too, don't worry about it. :-)
Thanks for your birthday wishes! I love you guys!


  1. Dang, I was gonna make you a b-day present and I haven't yet. Sorry, it'll be late. >.<

    I hope it's a fun party! :D

  2. I may be able to come! Except the time always beats me to other stuff. But at least its at 8-9 pm EST! :D

    1. Oh.. um.. sorry if I seem rude or anything. I don't mean to be. But I'm pretty sure 9-10 pm PST is 12-1 am EST. In United States time I mean. ^-^'

  3. I won't be able to come even if I do bother to go on AJ. It'll be 12-1 am for me, which is pretty late. Well anyway, have fun at the party!

  4. O.o I never got the timing thou but my luck is sooo bad lets try

  5. That was so fun! Thanks for a great day Fang! Happy birthday once again! :)


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