Friday, November 14, 2014

Spectacular Speedpaints

Good afternoon my lovely Sunbeams!!

So to answer a question from 'Ask Fang'....

Q: Sorry to hear you won't be posting for a while. And good job on your first speedpaint. Will other authors be posting?
A: I think you got me and monkeygirl057 confused. I post quite often, and monkeygirl just made her first speedpaint. It wasn't mine. And other authors already post =)

 Alright, now, speaking of speedpaints;
here's monkeygirl057's speedpaint of my arctic!

It's so adorable!! Thanks so much <3

That's all -- bye!


  1. I haven't been posting for the past few weeks because I haven't been feeling in a posting mood on weekends cause I post on so many blogs on the weekend so ya

  2. Thank you, Fang! I just got back from moving, and sadly I don't have volume on the computer because I can't find my headphones..
    But I'm back, and I'm glad I finally have internet.
    All of yesterday and this morning I was literally running around the house flailing my arms around screaming "INTERNET!!!!!" (O.K., maybe that didn't happen, but I did freak out. And I thought that would be funny. O3O)


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