Thursday, August 18, 2016

A Day in the Life of Fang | Netflix Shows and Room Decor

Previous IRL posts (click to read):

Hey Sunbeams!

Lately I've been spending a lot more time on Netflix and one of my favorite shows to watch is One Tree Hill. To sum it up, it's basically about a family that's been sort of separated. Lucas and Nathan are brothers who have different moms. Lucas' father never had joint custody of him so he grew up with only his mom as family. The two brothers hate each other at first and Nathan is constantly being pressured by his dad. Lucas feels bad about not having a dad, and Nathan would rather not live with his dad. A lot more goes on in the show but I obviously can't write it all here.

I'm also getting more into The Fosters. I've watched all of Fuller House too.

Now about the room decor segment of this post..
I've been given the opportunity to redo my room, and so I am. We're repainting the walls white (they already were white, but they were more of a tan-ish white). I'm making some small decorations, too. Nothing too crazy of course since I'm going for a minimalist style room.
I got a new duvet cover and pillowcase set that's white/gray/dark gray.
I hung up my Christmas lights again.
I'm going to put up a poster of an album cover.
That should be enough.
Oh wait, I bought 2 insanely fluffy white throw pillows from Target.
Okay, now that's enough.

I'll keep you guys updated if you're interested in hearing about it. Tell me if you are or not in the comments :-).

Hey, maybe I'll even post some pictures.

Jam on, shine on, and play wild.
COMMENT CALL: Netflix recommendations? Movies or shows. No documentaries.


    Lol I am stupid

  2. Cool :)

    I don't know if you'll be interested in it, but anyway. I'm kinda a bit really into this cartoon on Netflix called Voltron Legendary Defender. Mm, good show. Oh and Once Upon A Time is also pretty good. Dont know if you watched it already though, haha.

    1. I agree! Once Upon A Time is awesome! And The Flash is also really good too. I recommend both of these TV shows!

  3. Oh, haha, another suggestion. I started watching Stranger Things, it's a show on Netflix, and I love it. :)

  4. I prefer Fuller House and The Visit ^-^ Those are pretty high on my list (The Visit is a movie >.<)

    1. Oh, and I would be interested in hearing more of these!

    2. Lol I saw The Visit a while back while I was in the city with some friends. It wasn't really scary but some parts were funny so it was alright haha.


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